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Christoph Fuhrken aka KAMELOGANA


KAMELOGANA is a german stencil artist living in residential town of Rastede in the Ammerland district, Lower Saxony, Germany. The motifes of a camel and a flower can always be found in his works. Motifes that he uses for peace in the world. He think that politics has to find diplomatic solutions to prevent and avoid wars internationally and he believe in solidarity among people. His works have been the subject of numerous solo and group exhibitions, as well as the Stencil Art Prize exhibitions in Sydney (Australia), THE KUTZ Stencil Award of the It's All 2 Much Art Gallery, Bristol (United Kingdom), or the Urban Art Exhibition „URBAN ART“ of the Art Association Wörth e.V. in Germany. In 2021 his artwork "Collection Feed Your Head" was published on the book cover of the anniversary edition of the International Stencil Art Prize in Australia.


List of Exhibitions

2024 Verdener Art Prize 2024 / September 29, 2024 – November 15, 2024 / Exhibition “Dechiffrieren” (Deciphering) / Historical Town Hall, 27283 Verden (Aller)


2024 July 02 - July 10, Exhibition KAMELOGANA STENCIL ARTWORKS / Haarenstr. 39, 26121 Oldenburg, The creative interim use was made possible by the RAUM AUF ZEIT agency,

Am Stadtmuseum 15, 26121 Oldenburg


2024 Rising Gallery's stencil art exhibition "CUT AND SPRAY" December 16 – January 30, 2024.

THE RISING GALLERY, 4885S. Broadway St. Englewood, 80113 Colorado, United States of America


2023 From November 21st to December 20th, 2023, Gatekunst for Palestina will host the auction / “Street Art for Palestine” in Bergen, Norway. The Kamelogana stencil artwork PINK CULT. Lot number 41 (it is already auctioned)

2023 "KAMELOGANA STENCIL ARTWORKS" (July 01- September 02, 2023) in the Gallery "M-Art Kunstbedarf" by Michalis Charpantidis, 26122 Oldenburg, Germany


2023 THE RISING GALLERY / "PUNKS NOT DEAD" /   April 22, 2023 / 4885S. Broadway St. Englewood, 80113 Colorado, United States of America


2022 "Reverse" / Group Exhibition / November 26 - December 24, 2022 / THE HIDDEN ART PROJECT, 26122 Oldenburg, Germany

2022 "Open Stage Vol.3" / GROUP EXHIBITION / Sept. 29. - Oct. 08, 2022. The Stage Gallery, 50667 Köln.

2022 LiTE-HAUS Galerie + Projektraum "THE CUT UP" GROUP EXHIBITION June 9 - 26, 2022. The exhibition is part of the annual "48 Hour Neukölln"  Festival (June 24 - 26, 2022), 12055 Berlin, Germany

2022 "re:claim" GROUP EXHIBITION, Cultural Festival 17_6_22____26_06_22 THE HIDDEN ART PROJECT, 26122 Oldenburg, Germany

2022 GOLDEN EI GALLERY - Jutta Zeisset, 79367 Weisweil, Breisgau, Germany

2021 STENCIL ART PRIZE TOURING EXHIBITION, AUSTRALIA  - 5 February 2021 – 2 May 2021, Hurstville Museum & Gallery, Sydney, NSW /15 May 2021 - 10 July 2021, Dogwood Crossings, Miles, Queensland / 30th July 2021 – 4 September 2021, Logan Art Gallery, Logan, Queensland / Exhibition Launch on 13 September 2019 at Tortuga Studios​, Sydney, NSW, Australia / Southern Buoy Studios, 7 December 2019 - February 2020, Mornington (57 KM south of Melbourne) VIC, Australia / Gympie Regional Gallery, -24 June-31 July 2020, Gympie, QLD, Australia / Glasshouse Regional Gallery, 19 September 2020 - 29 November 2020, Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia

2021 CUT: 10 Years of the Stencil Art Prize / Book - PRESALE

Front cover artwork: Collection Feed Your Head by Kamelogana

Back cover artwork: Land of the Free by EVRST

2021 URBAN.ART@PFORZHEIM. ART IN PUBLIC SPACES / Stadtlabor am Marktplatz, 75175 Pforzheim, Germany / 18 June - 19 September 2021 / Curator Prof. Dr. Chris Gerbing

2021 GOLDEN EI GALLERY - Jutta Zeisset, 79367 Weisweil, Breisgau, Germany

2021 SWISS ART EXPO ARTBOX / PROJECT Zürich 3.0 (25-29 August 2021) Artbox.Group GmbH

2021 SOCIAL ART AWARD - NEW GREENING - This year, the Social Art Award 2021, launched by the Institute for Art and Innovation, sought visionary works by artists involved in shaping a positive future and social-ecological transformations.  Institute for Art and Innovation, 10435  Berlin, Germany

2020 Kamelogana Street Art Project ASTRONAUT 4 PEACE I-III  / 80333 Munich, Germany

2020 THE HIDDEN ART PROJECT Plakat Kamelogana SOFT TOY  "Kunst Statt Kommerz" /  "Art Instead Of Commerce" Sept. 2020 Donnerschweerstr., 26122 Oldenburg, Germany

2020 RUMBLING RENAISSANCE / Thomas Baumgärtel, Patrizia Casagranda, Kamelogana, Kunstrasen, Van Ray, zirO  / Ein Urban Art Projekt In Verrückten Zeiten. 09 May - 27 June 2020, Neue Kunst Gallery - Michael Oess, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany

2020 THE HIDDEN ART PROJECT - They Are Not Hidden In Their Art But Free In Their Projects!! 20 May-14 June 2020, Haarenstr. 11, 26122 Oldenburg, Germany

2019 The Social Art Award WE ARE THE PEOPLE - Can Art Catalyze Change? The Institute for Art and Innovation e. V., 10435 Berlin

2019 Kamelogana Street Art Project WOMAN SERGEANT FOR PEACE ON TOUR / London, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin

2019 Exhibition of groups Installation LOS SOCIOS Y COMPANIA von David Hinojosa (DHAdmann), Galería Libertad, Quéretaro, México from 4th of July until 11th of August

2019 Published in PUPPET MASTER MAGAZIN International Art Magazin / Issue 2 / An Eric Polise Publication , New York, USA

2018 selected and recommended C.O.C.A Center Of Contemporary Artists BARCELONA - ROME - MILAN - ZURICH / ART PRIZE 2018

2018 online exhibition Mail Art Call  Alice no País das Maravilhas / Alice im Wunderland / Alice in wonderland / all in the golden afternoon clube de fas da Alice no País das Maravilhas, 3020078 Coimbra, Portugal

05.2018 Group exhibition "THE KINGDOM OF THE ROSE" Lys d'Or Art Web Gallery, Italy / Curator: Katya Sanna


11.2017 KAMELOGANA STENCIL ART Art exhibition with a workshop. POP-UP GALLERY (Don't Touch The Art) / Division 7 / State Theater Oldenburg, 26122 Oldenburg

09.2017 Solo exhibition in the bau_werk hall in Oldenburg. STREET ART-SO SWEET ART / bau_werk Halle am Pferdemarkt, Pferdemarkt 8a, 26121 Oldenburg / bau-werk e.V. Oldenburg Forum for Baukultur Member of Netzwerk Baukultur in Niedersachsen e.V.


09.2017 Participation in the fair 2.CREATIVE OLDENBURG / 14. to 17. September 2017 / bau_werk Halle am Pferdemarkt, Pferdemarkt 8a, 26121 Oldenburg


06.2017 Exhibition URBAN ART / KUNSTVEREIN WÖRTH e.V. Gallery "Altes Rathaus", Ludwigstr.1, 76744 Wörth am Rhein


03.2017 Finalist THE KUTZ STENCIL ART AWARDS 2016 / 11.03-09.04.2017 / It's All 2 Much Gallery, Bristol, UK


02.2017 Finalist 2016 STENCIL ART PRIZE / Adelaide Fringe Flinders University City Gallery (February 11-April 09, 2017) / Adelaide, Australia


02.2017 Group show APOLLO IN THE PYRAMID / The Eagle has landed - an international art project for the first moon landing. Pyramid Exhibition Center, Riesaer Str. 94, 12627 Berlin. Curator: Wojciech Ròzynski


02.2017 The stencil "Blue Flower" is awarded and presented by the jury of Trakya University on the occasion of the 1st INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART Competition. T.R. Trakya University / Faculty of Fine Arts / 22050 Karaagac / EDIRNE / Turkey


09.2016 Finalist STENCIL ART PRIZE Sydney Fringe Festival, Sydney, Australia


05.2016 Finalist 9th Heise Art Prize, Heidestraße 75, 06842 Dessau-Roßlau


02.2015 Finalist of THE KUTZ STENCIL ART AWARDS 2015 / It's All 2 Much Art Gallery, Bristol, UK


11.2015 Publication of the collage "Audience at the Prince" in: BALLUSTRADA No. 3/4 2015, Middelburg, The Netherlands / ART FOR THE MILLIONS ISSN 0921-0148


11.2015 Exhibition "The four-day gallery 2015" Famila shopping center Wechloy e.V., Posthalterweg 10, 26129 Oldenburg


10.2015 Finalist STENCIL ART PRIZE 2015, AMBUSH GALLERY-Central Park, Sydney, Australia


02.2015 Exhibition "White Colors", Art Salon Kunststück,  Braunschweiger Straße 64, 12055 Berlin


10..2014 Exhibition Christoph Fuhrken / Kamelogana, Fashion Store Kaffee und Kleid, Kurwickstr. 6, 26122 Oldenburg


05.2014 Publication of the stencil "4 SUN RA" in the avant avant-garde magazine THE DOSED LIFE 105th issue / 100 years SUN RA / ed. by Jochen König / 69412 Eberbach


02.2014 Exhibition in the NWZ Gallery / Foyer of the NWZ-Media House, Nordwest-Zeitung Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG, Peterstrasse 28-34, 26121 Oldenburg


10.2013 Finalist at the juried International STENCIL ART PRIZE 2013, Chrissie Cotter Gallery, Sydney, Australia


08.2013 Exhibition "FREDheit FreeDOM" Gallery ART BY GORA, BASALTSTR.8, 60487 Frankfurt a.M.

04.-05.2013 Exhibition "Christoph Fuhrken / KAMELOGANA", Gallery ART BY GORA, 60487 Frankfurt a.M.


02.2013 Exhibition GREY ZONE. Agency for Art, Culture, Journalism, Text, Photography, PR & Social / Media, Leverkusen


09.2012 Kamelogana Project Group exhibition "STENCILS PEACEFUL WORLD 1"  ART 4 ​​PEACE III, CUT UP GALLERY 26180 Rastede

07.2012 Kamelogana project group exhibition "WE SHARE ALL THE SAME"  ART 4 ​​PEACE II, CUT UP GALLERY 26180 Rastede

04.2012 Kamelogana Project Group exhibition "Friends / Artworks and Mail Art", ART 4 ​​PEACE I, CUT UP GALLERY, 26180  Rastede


2012 Kamelogana soundtrack "Flight" 1 minute Autohypnosis 1 MUTE SOUND-Pedro Bericat, 50080 Zaragoza, Spain


10.09.-11.09.2011 Street-Art Art, text and light installation "Interface" on the crossing of the high bridge-Hunte bridge / Highway BAB29 / Oldenburg -Blankenburg


09.2011 Exhibition "What would Andy do?" LuminArte Design Gallery, 1727 E Levee St, Dallas, TX 75207, USA


2011 poems in "Kaleidoskopidschi-Memories of Hadayatullah Hübsch", Gonzo Verlag, Mainz, ISBN: 978-3-9812237-8-1


03.2011 Exhibition 1,2,3 OPPLA`STICK / The Quick Art of Stickers, True Love Art Gallery Savona, Italy


10.2010 Exhibition "World of Art" Urania Berlin e.V.,Urania 17, 10787 Berlin


09.2010 Kamelogana Project Art Exhibition "The Blue Container ANTI-WAR", Ankerstr.25, 26122 Oldenburg


02.2010 STREET-ART Action "DEPLETED URANIUM Do you want to go there? YES or NO "Platz der Republik, Scheidemannstr. 5, 10557 Berlin / youtube


12.2009 Collage "Undercover" / Kolahstudio / Underground Art Media and Basement, Tehran, Iran


09.2009 Kamelogana Project Art exhibition "PAX!" In cooperation with the charity organization CARE Germany Luxembourg e.V. (refugee aid for the people of Northern Pakistan), Stolze House, Neckarstr. 4, 64283 Darmstadt


03.2009 Opening of Galerie Kamelogana in the 3D online world Twinity, Metaversum GmbH, Berlin


2008 Exhibition of Kamelogana collages in the gallery Johannishaus, Johannisallee 2, 04317 Leipzig


2008 Exhibition of mail art / The correspondence with Hadayatullah Hübsch "The absence of the artist in his work ..." Exhibition: Hadayatullah Hübsch, Gallery Station 73.01, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt a.M.


07.2008 Project presentation KAMELOGANA / Höchst-kulturell / ART AM MAIN Organizer: Vereinsring Frankfurt / a.M.-Höchst e.V.


03.2008 Project presentation and information "Kamelogana" during the Iraq Conference on the 5th anniversary of the war in the House of Democracy and the Humboldt University, 10099 Berlin


12.2007 Exhibition "END ... START", Municipal Gallery, Justus Liebig House, Große Bachgasse 2, 64283 Darmstadt


01.2007 Exhibition in the shopping center "Luisencenter", Luisenplatz 5, 64283 Darmstadt


12.2006 Exhibition "Kamelogana Zeichen" with a literary performance by Hadayatullah Hübsch and Frank Witzel (guitar), Frankfurter Str. 24, 64293 Darmstadt


08.2006 Exhibition "SIGN 4 PEACE". Artists Day: "Musenknutsch", Wagenplatz Klabauta, 64289 Darmstadt


2005-2011 postcard collage change with the author, artist and Imam Juma of the Nurr mosque Hadayatullah Hübsch, Frankfurt a.M.


07.2005 Performance / Street Art "London 07.07.05", Friedensplatz, 64283 Darmstadt


09.2004 Exhibition Kamelogana "Dream Room 1001", Municipal Gallery, Justus Liebig House, Große Bachgasse 2, 64283 Darmstadt


09.2003 Exhibition of “Kamelogana Watercolors”, Municipal Gallery, Justus Liebig Haus, Große Bachgasse 2, 64283 Darmstadt


06.2003 The Social Nail Sculpture Kamelogana (12 June-18 June 2003) for the relief fund of "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" Germanys Relief Coalition to alleviate the plight of the population in Iraq, Friedensplatz, 64283 Darmstadt


2003-2005 Kamelogana Watercolor Diaries


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